I don’t really remember which Fisher Price Little People set I had first. I remember having the Airport, The Village, The Action Garage, and The A Frame, The Houseboat, and The Camper….which came first, I don’t know. I do know that I had great times with these on our patio in the backyard, in the quiet spaces of my room, or setting up in the family room for all to enjoy (or be frustrated at the clutter!). My sister and maybe some of her friends would set up towns with the sets we had for the little neighborhood kids to play with, and probably a few from the neighbors. Suburban design is at its best! (By the way, I fell into the little kids group, my sister is 5.5 years older than me!)
For those who may not remember (is that even possible?) Fisher Price Little People “is a toy brand for children ages 6–36 months and to ages 3 and up, originally produced by Fisher-Price, Inc. in the 1960s as the Play Family People. The current product line consists of playsets, mini-sets and accessories, books, CDs, and DVDs focusing on various configurations of a group of characters by their names. Mattel reports that since the brand's launch, over 2-billion Little People figures have been sold in over 60 countries. In 2016, Little People was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.” [1]
I’ve stayed true, mainly, to the 1960s and 70s play sets. I have acquired the sets I had as a kid as well as The House (the yellow one), The School House, The Sesame Street Set, and The Hospital. As such, I’ve also picked up other Fisher Price vintage toys along the way.
Such fun memories…building an alternate universe…pretending the ideal and not so ideal 😊, trying out different professions - mail carrier, airline pilot, mechanic, boat captain - and now I can esape the world of human resources and pretend to be a school teacher, health professional, or event Mr. Hooper! (okay, probably not the last few...I should probably just stick to HR....for the Hospital?)
Thank you Fisher Price/Mattel….your legacy and future live on!
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